A Tzimisce needed to rest while surrounded by several handfuls of soil from a place that was important to them (usually their homeland). The old clan weakness of the Tzimisce involved their sleeping habits. One with the Land allows the user to merge with the ground and experience stimuli from anything within a one-mile radius, allowing them to keep watch over their domain.

Horrid Form acts as a catch-all version of Vicissitude, allowing for a number of useful changes to happen at once. Fleshcrafting acts as Vicissitude, except it can be used on other beings. Vicissitude allows the user to alter their own form in a number of different ways, including creating armor & weapons from their own flesh, or changing their appearance entirely. There are now four Vicissitude powers - Vicissitude, Fleshcrafting, Horrid Form, and One with the Land. The new Tzimisce possess Animalism, Dominate, and Protean, with the old Vicissitude powers being folder into Protean as Animalism/Dominate amalgam powers. The disciplines used by the old Tzimisce were Vicissitude, Auspex, and Animalism. This makes them far easier to incorporate into games, outside of being Junji Ito villains. The new Tzimisce can at least be reasoned with, so long as the coterie's goals are beneficial to them. The old sadistic Tzimisce can exist as the outliers of their clan, who still show up from time to time to ensure that their names are still feared. With that being said, there is nothing stopping Storytellers from using the old-style Tzimisce in terms of their personality, as their abilities are mostly the same. This makes the Tzimisce easier to understand as villains and Storytellers can define their motives in a modern context. Instead, they are monsters that are more in line with humanity's worst desires.
#World of darkness animalism subsume the beast serial
They are no longer the super-powered serial killers of the World of Darkness. The changes to the Tzimisce are a double-edged sword. A small-time Tzimisce gangster who controls a street corner can be just as possessive about their domain as a duke is with their lands. This can take many forms, from noble Lords to corporate executives. The sadistic scholars of old have been replaced with people with an overwhelming desire for domination.

The new Tzimisce are similar to the Ventrue in many respects, though they are a lot harder to reason with. They are the ultimate control freaks and they are possessive of everything they feel belongs to them. The new Tzimisce are focused on domination. They still possess the powers of Vicissitude and it's just as potent as it was before, but it's no longer the defining feature of the clan. The new Tzimisce from the Vampire: The Masquerade Companion have gone in a new direction that makes them more relatable and understandable as villains.